Health care in Spain

It’s necesarry to consider the important things about health care in Spain before making the big move to the Costa del Sol.

Health care in Spain for property owners

When you purchase a property for sale in Marbella or on the Costa del Sol and are going to be living in Spain permanently or as an expatriate coming to live in Spain from another European Member state, you are generally free from hospital and medical care expenses.

Once you present your European Health Card (EHC), you will then a general practitioner will attend you at your local health centre. With your EHC, you can obtain similar health care to that of a Spanish citizen.

health care in Spain
Health care centers in Spain

Health Care centres

One of the best things about living in Marbella is for sure the health care in Spain. The National Health Service of Spain has an big network of hospitals and health centres situated all over the country.

Foreigners in Spain get free public health care in Spain as long as they contribute to the social security system. Any person who signs up to pay social security automatically becomes a member of the public health care system. They will receive a social security card (tarjeta de la seguridad social) which you have to present to your doctor upon every visit.

In addition family members also get to health care in Spain by extension. Furthermore, Spain has agreements in place with certain countries, such as the UK which permits foreign pensioners to obtain free admittance to public health care without having to participate in employment.

Take a look at the list of the properties available in Marbella.

hospital costa del sol
Costa del Sol Hospital, the biggest hospital on Malaga west coast.

Private health care in Spain

Care at private clinics and hospitals in Spain are either paid directly or, more often than not through a private insurance company.

The major benefit of taking out private health insurance in Spain is to avoid the long wait times to see a doctor with the public health care system. One of the main benefits of Private health care in Spain is also the fact it offers a much quicker service to patients, in addition to private rooms, express mailing of test results. One of the most popular private medical insurance carriers is Sanitas.

Medical covering

Generally, you get cover for any medical treatment if you are using the state health care program. You can’t just go and make an appointment with a specialist though, you will always need to see your GP first who will then authorise your specialist treatment.

If you have private insurance this process is generally a lot quicker.

Dentistry is not included in your Spanish health care. Even private insurance might not cover this so make sure you check before you make a dentist appointment!

Basic dentistry include such as check ups and maintenance. However, if you need any treatment, you will have to take the bill yourself.

health care spain
Health care system in Spain

Health care system in Spain

The health care system in Spain is considered to be very good, with modern and well-equipped hospitals.  There are several differences in the policies of the Spanish and British health care systems. But it is fair to say in general they are pretty comparable.

However, if you are planning on living in Spain keep in mind most of the medical staff don’t speak English. Although it is possible to request a voluntary translation service when you set your appointment with the doctor.

If you feel convinced, take a look at our list of properties in the area!